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at the Kontrapunktus premier

at the Kontrapunktus premier

at the Kontrapunktus premier

at the Kontrapunktus premier

in the iso booth

in the iso booth

in the studio

in the studio

Festival de Mayo

Festival de Mayo

Brian Asawa, Diana Tash, Fred Rosselet, Arthur Omura.

Fred and I

Fred and I

Fred Rosselet, Arthur Omura

Yours Truely

Yours Truely

at Church of the Angels, Pasadena

at Church of the Angels, Pasadena

Moving the harpsichord

Moving the harpsichord

at Beverly Hills city hall

at the Berkeley Early Music Festival

at the Berkeley Early Music Festival

Rotem Gilbert, Ana Kim, Jason Yoshida, Arthur Omura

Sweet Temperament

Sweet Temperament

Fred Rosselet, Katina Mitchell, Amelia Tobiason, Arthur Omura

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